Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hopkins Winhover Analysis

Who is God? Gerard Hopkins spent his life finding the answer through his poetry and exploring the nature around him. In Gerard Hopkins' poem â€Å"The Windhover† there is a representational allusion to Christ and Jesus. The speaker praises the Lord by praising what he takes as a symbol for Christ. Throughout the poem the speaker symbolizes Christ's glory by the way the falcon reacts to the air, how it maneuvers and even characteristic traits of the falcon species. The poem uses alliteration, internal rhyming, compound metaphors, elliptical grammar and complex threads of connotation. One could only appreciate the glory of the Lord more after interpreting the poem. The poem is almost impossible to understand without good background knowledge about Hopkins’s ideas and his odd words. There are many words of the Anglo-Saxon origin like rung (past tense of ‘ring’), minion, dauphin, and chevalier. There are also unusual combinations like â€Å"dapple-dawn-drawn†, which is an image of the bird. The last stanza is particularly complex because of the associatively linked words related to Christ and his sacrifice. Finally, the grammar is also odd; actually the poem does not follow any traditional grammar and structure. In short, the poem can be discussed as a sonnet because it has some of the features of the typical sonnet, but it must be called a modified sonnet adapted to a different kind of subject, word-game and music. The poem is therefore the thanksgiving to Christ. It is a hymn that is romantic in form but religious in theme. When the poet sees the beautiful bird, he is reminded of Christ and becomes thankful and appreciative of him. The poem’s theme is therefore related to the poet’s praise of Christ rather than being about the bird. Hopkins has mixed his romantic fascination with the nature and his religious favor of gratitude towards God for giving us a beautiful nature. The beauty of nature is illustrated by his attention that is suddenly drawn by the scene of a bird flying in the sky. He describes a bird which he saw flying in the sky that morning. Like in a romantic poem, he remembers the experience to express his feelings. That morning, the speaker had been out at dawn. From the excited description in the poem, we can infer that the speaker was probably in the field. This admirer of Christ brings the image of Christ’s wounds, pain and sacrifice. This suggests that he always remembers and becomes thankful to Christ. The poem is subtitled â€Å"To Christ our Lord† because the falcon reminds him of Christ. The speaker continuously hails one of God's most stunning creatures, the falcon. He is flabbergasted at the magnificence of the windhover's flight. He wonders at its colorful feathers and the sheer speed of its flight. His tone suggests that he is in awe. He is observing something equivalent to the second coming of Jesus or angels walking among regular men. He throws out a barrage of visual imagery to describe the windhover and still does not seem to come close to its real magnificence. He wonders how such a creature could exist but is eventually just filled with glee in knowing the fact that it does exist. In the first stanza the speaker states that he spotted the morning's minion as if to suggest that the falcon was somehow less important to the morning. He suggests that there is some sort of royal hierarchy by using words that recall images of sovereignty. He describes the different tricks of the bird’s flight. The second stanza takes a different stance on things. The windhover is out maneuvering when it smoothly and suddenly dives. The speaker is scared for the birds' safety but is pleasantly surprised when the bird is lifted by a huge wind. One can say that in times of foolish pleasure he can fall but Christ will always be there to lift him back up. Christ is the cushion needed for even a temporary fall from grace. Stanza three uses a stream of descriptive words to denote the dignity of such a creature. In the animal kingdom it would be considered king of the roost. The speaker calls the windhover a chevalier meaning knight or in other words a savior. Christ is also considered a savior. The speaker compares the bird and Christ with the hard work of the plow that creates a channel and displays the wet soil underneath and burned embers that shine red-gold when split open and burn with fire. That is directly omparable to the assumption that the speaker was living a dark life until the Lord stirred up his liveliness, split open his dark shell and helped him to shine with a new vigor for life. Christ could be seen in nature in the windhover's existence. He is symbolized in all the actions of the falcon and also represented in its characteristics. The speaker praises the Lord by his amazed praise and represented in its characteristics . The speaker praises the Lord by his amazed praise and appreciation. Christ does exists in even the smaller details in life and all we have to do is observe them periodically to know that Christ lives on.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ascii Code

Samuel Mercuri MGF 1107 Pickle Project 7 Computers do not recognize letters, text, or words. They only deal with numbers. To get computers to work with text, we have to represent each character as a number. The text files you read and write are actually stored, loaded into memory, and transposed into numbers. When the file is shown on your screen, the numbers are transposed again into letters and text. The first 31 ASCII codes control commands, or non printable characters that control how the data will be interpreted. ASCII is a computer code originally based on the letters of the English alphabet.It is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and is used to represent text in computers, communications equipment, and texting devices. Each letter and number is given an ASCII code. Certain commands are also given an ASCII code. For example, the ASCII code for A is 65, and the ASCII code for 4 is 52. Work on the ASCII code started in 1960, and in 1968 President L yndon B Johnson mandated that all computers purchased by the United States government support ASCII code. Computers use ASCII code to communicate with each other. http://www. ascii-code. com/The following table shows the ASCII code for letters, numbers, and commands. The ASCII code for the word â€Å"Bears† would be: 66 101 97 114 115. Note that the ASCII code is different for uppercase and lowercase letters. B: 66 e: 101 a: 97 r: 114 s: 115 By the same token- the code: 68 105 115 110 99 121 would read â€Å"Disney† once transposed. 68: D 105: i 115: s 110: n 99: e 121: y You could see these as an example of how we use our computers to communicate. We type letters and words, the computer transposes them into a code that it can understand and sends it to your friend’s computer.Your friend’s computer understands the code and transposes it back into text so your friend can read what you wrote. [pic] http://www. tntbasic. com/learn/help/guides/asciicodesexpla ined. htm Why is ASCII code important? Because ASCII files can be used as a common denominator for data conversions. Let’s say Program A can’t convert its data to the format of program B. But if both programs can input and output ASCII code, then the conversion may still be possible. Most e-mail transmissions are limited to ASCII characters.Because of this, it is not possible to use special formatting such as Italics or underlines. This is also why graphic files, music, spreadsheets, or documents with non ASCII characters in them must be sent as attachments to the e-mail. When they reach their destination, they will be â€Å"decoded† for use. http://www. telacommunications. com/nutshell/ascii. htm These words come together to make sentences. So for example: â€Å"Who let the dogs out? † would look like this: 87 104 111 32 108 101 116 32 116 104 101 32 100 111 103 115 32 111 117 116 63 87 104 111: Who 2: space bar 108 101 116: let 32: space bar 116 104 101 : the 32: space bar 100 111 103: dogs 32: space bar 111 117 116 63: out? Some people will even use ASCII code to draw pictures called â€Å"ASCII art†. This person drew a picture of Mickey Mouse. _____ .d88888888bo. .d8888888888888b. 8888888888888888b 888888888888888888 888888888888888888 Y8888888888888888 ,od888888888888888888P .'`Y8P'â€Å"`'Y8888888888P' .'_ ` _ ‘Y88888888b / _` _ ` Y88888888b ____ _ | / / 8888888888. d888888b. d8b | | /| | /| 8888888888d8888888888b 888_ \_|/ \_|/ d888888888888888888888b .Y8P `'-. d88888888888888888888888 / ` ` `Y8888888888888888 | __ 888888888888888P / ` dPY8888888888P' ‘. _ . ‘ . ‘ `Y888888P` `†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ-. ,__ ___. -‘ . -‘ jgs `-. _â€Å"â€Å" __.. –‘` â€Å"â€Å"â€Å" ASCII code is different from binary code because it only transfers files as text. Examples of ASCII files would be . txt, . asp, . html, and . php. Binary code is used to transfer raw data such as music, vide os, or pictures.If someone tries to decode a document containing such raw data using ASCII, they will probably get a response that the file is corrupted. There are programs online that can transfer between ASCII code and binary code. http://www. coreftp. com/docs/web1/Ascii_vs_Binary_transfers. htm There is also an upper case ASCII table which is not officially recognized. It tends to vary based on the computer or font being used. Some characters in this table are more common than others. [pic] In short, ASCII code is how our computers operate, process information, and communicate among each other.

Software Process

LARGE SCALE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 1. What are the fundamental activities that are common to all software processes? a. Specification – defining what the system should do; b. Design and implementation – defining the organization of the system and implementing the system; c. Validation – checking that it does what the customer wants; d. Evolution – changing the system in response to changing customer needs. 2. List the 3 generic process models that are used in software engineering? ? Plan-driven model. Separate and distinct phases of specification and development. Specification, development and validation are interleaved. May be plan-driven or agile. ? The system is assembled from existing components. May be plan-driven or agile. 3. Why are iterations usually limited when the waterfall model is used? accommodating change after the process is underway. In principle, a phase has to be complete before moving onto the next phase. 4. What are the three benefits of incremental development, compared to the waterfall model? ? The amount of analysis and documentation that has to be redone is much less than is required with the waterfall model. Customers can comment on demonstrations of the software and see how much has been implemented. ? Customers are able to use and gain value from the software earlier than is possible with a waterfall process. 5. What are the development stages in reuse-based development? ? Component analysis; ? Requirements modification; ? System design with reuse; ? Development and integration. 6. What are the principal requirements engineering activities? ? Feasibility study †¢ Is it technically and financially feasible to build the system? Requirements elicitation and analysis †¢ What do the system stakeholders require or expect from the system? ? Requirements specification †¢ Defining the requirements in detail ? Requirements validation †¢ Checking the validity of the requirements 7. Why is it increas ingly irrelevant to distinguish between software development and evolution? – Although there has been a demarcation between development and evolution (maintenance) this is increasingly irrelevant as fewer and fewer systems are completely new. . What are the advantages of using incremental development and delivery? 9. What are the 4 sectors in each loop in Boehm’s spiral model? Objective setting ? Specific objectives for the phase are identified. ? Risks are assessed and activities put in place to reduce the key risks. ? A development model for the system is chosen which can be any of the generic models. ? The project is reviewed and the next phase of the spiral is planned. 10. What are the six fundamental best practices in the RUP? Plan increments based on customer priorities and deliver highest priority increments first. ? Explicitly document customer requirements and keep track of changes to these requirements. ? Organize the system architecture as a set of reusable components. ? Use graphical UML models to present static and dynamic views of the software. ? Ensure that the software meet’s organizational quality standards. Manage software changes using a change management system and configuration management tools.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The new england workingmen's association Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The new england workingmen's association - Essay Example However, the mechanics kept their dream of better working conditions alive and hence they called for a region-wide convention to address the question of a 10-hour workday in Fall River. Indeed, the region-wide convention held on October 1844 addressed this issue in great length and resolved to form the New England Workingmen’s Association (NEWA) to address the workers’ plight (Massachusetts AFL-CIO 1). As such, most of the meetings held by New England Workingmen’s Association focused on the dominant concern of a 10-hour workday (Massachusetts AFL-CIO 1). In the meetings that followed the formation of the New England Workingmen’s Association, members ended such meetings with a resolution calling for an abridgement of the hours of labor, which was evidently fundamental in rendering every citizen of the commonwealth worthy and capable to perform the sacred duties of a freeman (Massachusetts AFL-CIO 1). As such, the New England Workingmen’s Association followed the footsteps of other labor leaders of the 1840s, who focused on the relationship between connection between 10-hour workday and citizenship. However, the New England Workingmen’s Association was seemingly different from other labor associations in that it included middle-class reformers who stressed issues such as land reform, and women, who frequently found themselves excluded from other groups unlike other labor associations that disregarded middle-class reformers (Massachusetts AFL-CIO 1). In the 1840s, many labor organizations disregarded the membership and contribution of women. Nevertheless, the New England Workingmen’s Association offered a reprieve to the women by extending all the rights, privileges, and obligations of membership to women’s labor groups through its constitution (Massachusetts AFL-CIO 1). As such, the association addressed both men and women issues that relate to their working conditions. Notably, women

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Terrorism - Essay Example Others linked it with civil disobedience while others label it as acts of violence. However, experts claimed that these three are very different terms from each other but in as much as one wished to gain adequate understanding of the word â€Å"terrorism†, it is crucial also to obtain insight about the other two terms often connected with it. Civil disobedience is deemed acceptable by many deliberative democrats as long as it remains relevantly tied to the objective of communicative action (Allen 15). However, Allen also emphasized that certain kinds of terrorism cannot be ruled out either (15). On the other hand, an individual must acknowledge that the deliberative democrat will not really be able to justify taking life as a maneuver for the reason that dead people cannot deliberate (Allen 15). Allen highlighted that this does not rule out terrorism per se, the object of which is not death so much as to bringing about fear, anxiety and trauma (Allen 15). Moreover, while a per sistent circumstance of fear would set the boundaries on forethought, restricted and transitory physical harm to individuals need not (Allen 15). For this instance, it entails that deliberative democrats must elucidate why purposely causing some physical harm to property or person is constantly an illicit and unlawful means of communication and demonstration (Allen 15). This paper endeavors to explore the concepts associated with terrorism and to tackle the impacts brought about by such circumstance. Definition, Association and the Concepts surrounding Terrorism Terrorism had always been synonymous to threat, intimidation, trauma and destruction. Individuals express anxiety whenever such term is brought up. Defining exactly what terrorism is proves to be a rather daunting task. One must also learn and understand to grasp the essence of the other terms connected with it to be able to fully obtain a clear insight about what this is as guided by certain propositions of expert and the l aw. Civil Disobedience is one of the terms confused with terrorism for the reason that some governments might label such acts as form of terrorism even though for the ones doing it, their main objective was only to find a means for their voices to be heard and for their standpoints to be given attention. Civil Disobedience is a tactic that is hard to reconcile neatly with persuasion and communication as stressed by Allen (15). Indeed, many deliberative democrats are willing to concede that civil disobedience contains some irreducible elements of threat and intimidation (Allen 15-16). Nevertheless, the deliberative democrats still supposed that it can still be accommodated within the conceptual orbit of deliberative democracy, and the priority that it gives to legitimate actions through public communication (Allen 16).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Corporate finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Corporate finance - Essay Example What is however important to note that these crises were largely unanticipated as they emerged due to the subprime mortgages which form a very little percentage of the overall activity that take place in the financial markets. This therefore raises the question of how many investors actually mispriced the risk that has to be included into the pricing of the securities given the fact that market participants always form rational expectations about the future equilibrium prices. Rational Expectations theory forms the basis of some of the most important macroeconomic models in recent times. The formation of the efficient market hypothesis is also one of the macroeconomic models which utilizes the rational expectations theory and assert that market participants always form rational expectations about the future equilibrium prices. Thus it is useless in predicting the future financial crises as the market participants already discount such future information into their risk calculations.(Hui & Lui, 2002). However, despite such theoretical assumptions, the current global financial crises were more of a shock for most of the participants as they emerged out of blue and affected almost every market on the earth. This paper will attempt to discuss the question of predicting the future financial crises in the light of efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations and will attempt to answer the question by considering the current global financial crises. The current financial crises has slowed down the pact of economic growth in many countries including US and UK and many governments have to inject money in order to save their financial systems from complete collapse. These financial crises apparently emerged due to the imprudent banking practices and resulting lending into the subprime mortgage sector. Over the period of time, the competition for banks became stronger and banks, thanks to de-regulation, were allowed to engage themselves into practices which

Monday, August 26, 2019

Horace Bushnell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Horace Bushnell - Essay Example He was not exact, but he put God and man and the world into a relation that thought can accept while it goes on to state it more fully with ever growing knowledge. Other thinkers were moving in the same direction; he led the movement in New England, and wrought out a great deliverance. It was a work of superb courage. Hardly a theologian in his denomination stood by him, and nearly all pronounced against him" (as cited in An anti-Calvinist, he preached contrary to the theological notions of his time such ideas relating to the Trinity, the atonement, conversion, and the relations of the natural and the supernatural. He also opposes the notion that theology can be explained logically and absolutely just like any intellectual activity. He believes that individual believers have a case-to-case and unique spiritual experience differing from each other based on their unique individual spiritual make-up (Sklansky, 2002). Bushnell's major ideas and convictions are explained and contained in his four books entitled: Christian Nurture (1847), Nature and the Supernatural (1858), The Vicarious Sacrifice (1866), and God in Christ (1849). In Christian and Nature Bushnell discusses his opposition to revivalism and focuses the Christian thought on the youth. In this, he successfully influenced many minds. It explains the reasons why he does not agree with the emphasis the revivalists place on the conversion experience. In Nature and the Supernatural, he discusses miracles and promotes the possibility of humans to achieve supernatural qualities or the "supernaturalness of man." In addition, the book The Vicarious Sacrifice, contains his so-called "moral view" of the atonement of Christ contrasting it with the "governmental" and the "penal" or "satisfaction" theories. Moreover, in the book God in Christ, which contains an introductory entitled "Dissertation on Language as related to Thought," he is accused of being a heretic for he expresses a different view about the Trinity. He believes that the Godhead is not literally three but it is only human interpretation of the unfathomable greatness of God. Human, in contrast to God, sees God differently because of his/her inferior comprehension of the supreme deity (Sklansky, 2002). It is said to have been published after his "mystical experience that illumined the gospel for him." Although there were times when he irked others so much, he was spared of trial because his church severed its links from the local group that may have power to press charges against him. In other words, his church stood autonomously of any association or the rules of any denominational group. Furthermore, he was able to respond to his critics in his book Christ in Theology (1851). In it he argues that spiritual facts cannot be discussed precisely by human language and logic. They can only be expressed in "approximate and poetical language." He concludes by saying that "an adequate dogmatic theology cannot exist" (Sklansky, 2002). It is in this book where Bushnell expounds and defends his position about language in theology, saying that much of it is metaphorical in nature. However, Horace Bushnell proves that he still adheres to and believes the divinity of Christ as expressed in his writing entitled The Character of Jesus, forbidding his possible (Sklansky, 2002). As a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Innovation is the HVAC field - Thermoelectric cooling components Research Paper

Innovation is the HVAC field - Thermoelectric cooling components - Research Paper Example The technology has since been used to cool temperatures of devices by creating heat sinks for different electronic materials. The most recent applications of this type of technology are the â€Å"wristify† cooling system invented by four MIT students. The â€Å"wristify† is used for maintaining the body temperature at a personal level. This they managed through the use of two different conductors and a very small battery. In order for the cooling to take place, the then a DC current is applied so as to initiate the movement of electrons. The efficiency in thermo-electric cooling, depends on materials be selected keenly. Many thermo-electric coolers made today are from an alloy of Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3). Thermo-electric cooling poses very advantages like lack of mechanical maintenance and ability to be used in very small places. The technology has a place in the future since there is a possible use of the technology in marine engineering of submarines, night vision a nd many more others. Prototype wearable 'air-conditioning' device According to fox news, In the MIT, four engineering students have been able to develop a wrist worn body cooling device that is based upon the Peltier Effect and theory. The device code named wristify employs a series of two different conductors that are referred to as the Peltier cooler. The device is powered a very small battery and then attached to a wrist wrap so as to hold it in place. For the device to reduce the body temperature, it starts by reducing the wrist temperature in degree fractions every second for a specified time period. However, the students have not arrived at the correct time calculations, but they say that a reasonable cooling effect is achieved when the wrist is cooled by 0.4 degrees Celsius for five seconds. After this session, the device goes off for 10 seconds and maintains the interval. However, the four students are still on the process of calculating for optimal timings so as to perfect the device. The Wristify is one of the major breakthrough in human attempt to thermo-electric cooling (Balmer, 2011). With this device, a different person will be able to customize their own temperature ranges without affecting others. This is an aspect that many will appreciate. This rate of success is a sign that with the rise in advance technology and availability of resources, thermo-electric cooling can be utilized in areas that people had never imagined before. Thermo-electric cooling Definition Thermo-electric cooling refers to an application of the Peltier Effect to create a difference in temperature between two materials of different type. A thermo-electric cooler is usually a solid stated active that is able to transfer heat from one side of a device to the other. This is possible based on the following physical theories. First, when two different conductors are under electric contact, there is an electron flow out of the conductor that is less bound into the other conductor in which electrons are more. This is possible because of the dif ference in Fermi level between the two devices used as conductors. The Fermi level shows the difference in energy levels that are contained in different conductors occupied by electrons, and those that are not occupied. Therefore, when two conductors of different Fermi levels. This can be easily compared to diffusion in which molecules move from an area of high concentration to that of low concentration. How it works In order for the cooling to take

Saturday, August 24, 2019

If The Launching Of Wal-Mart Organic Product Line May Fail Essay

If The Launching Of Wal-Mart Organic Product Line May Fail - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the benefits of consuming organic foods as opposed to processed items have been acknowledged by a significant faction of society and this notion has gradually progressed into becoming common knowledge there are certain limitations with regard to the consumption of organic foods which potentially restrict buyers from purchasing products which fall under this category. As reported by Charles, the single most significant factor, in this case, is related with the relatively high costs of organic foods which essentially deter the masses from declining to consume processed items which possess a much lower price tag. Moreover, other aspects that can be linked with this prevalent issue are linked to the distribution of organic foods and the inadequacy of current distribution channels that do not fall under the scope of mass retailing. Given the development of the existing scenario, the purpose of this analysis is to examine Wal-Mart’s prospects in the organ ic foods industry by applying the recommendations of Porter’s 5 Forces strategic tool to comprehend the state of the industry in a more comprehensive manner and present pertinent recommendations to the company for achieving future success. The arrival of Wal-Mart in the organic foods market could not be retained for a significant period of time because the company was forced to approve the closure of its organic foods brand by 2007. Thus, as a consequence of this action critics and industry analysts began to raise the question as to whether the mass retailer possesses the capability to make organic food cheap and affordable for the mass market that it serves. As noted previously, the factor of high pricing remains one of the most important considerations with regard to the notion of popularizing organic food consumption amongst the larger population. Thus, gaining an advantage by enhancing cost efficiency can be deemed as one of the most critical factors for acquiring success in the market. Secondly, it is also important to understand those customer motivations for paying more for organic foods must be recognized and highlighted to comprehend the demands of the audience and address them accordingly.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Presentation and written submission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Presentation and written submission - Essay Example The global crisis was developed mainly due to the bursting of the US housing bubble, which stemmed from adverse selection of mortgages and resulted US mortgage crisis. Evidently, the global financial crisis slowed down economic activities and this situation in turn impeded the economic growth of nations around the globe. More precisely, the 2008 financial crisis has led to a dramatic increase in uncertainty in financial markets. Specifically, the resulting inability of lenders to solve the adverse selection problem makes them less willing to lend, which leads to a decline in lending, investment and aggregate economic activity. This paper will evaluate the financial market uncertainty identified by giving some real life examples. Financial market uncertainty Thoughtless provision of mortgage loans and increased speculation in the housing market significantly contributed to a series of bank collapses in the United States. The failure of credit rating agencies in properly identifying th e risk elements associated with complex securities and subsequent housing bubble also contributed to the global financial crisis. Most of the studies conducted to identify the real causes of the 2008 financial crisis reported that adverse selection in mortgages led to housing bubble and bank failures. Therefore, today banks and other financial institutions across the globe are extremely bothered about the possibility of defaults in loan repayments; and hence they are hardly willing to lend even to potential clients. Naturally, this situation leads to a decline in lending and investment. The decelerated financial transactions adversely affect circulation of money which in turn reduce economic growth rate. Decline in lending In response to this uncertain economic condition, UK banks significantly reduced lending over the last few years. As Tortman (2011) reported in the Telegraph dated Feb 28, in 2011, UK’s four leading banks limited their commercial real estate property lendin g by a combined total of ?17.2 billion. Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group, Europe’s two largest commercial property lenders, trimmed their loans by a combined ?14.5 billion (ibid). As per the same report, HSBC and Barclays cut lending by a combined ?2.7 billion. These figures indicate that how UK lenders deal with property lending after the global credit crisis. According to Phil Clark, co-author of the Property Industry Alliance’s report, UK banks have been very vigilant in mitigating their loan exposure to real estate (as cited in Trotman, 2011). He added that annual real estate lending in UK would drop to ?100bn over the next few years (ibid). As Milliken (2013) reported in Reuters dated March 4, in order to boost bank lending and thereby to promote economic growth of the UK, the Bank of England and the finance ministry launched the flagship plan (Funding for Lending Scheme) June 2012. This plan was intended to offer cheap funds to banks if they booste d lending to medium sized businesses and home buyers. However, some recent reports indicate that although banks and other lending institutions have utilised almost ?14bn of the central bank funds offered, net lending indicates a reverse trend (ibid). The report says that Vince Cable, the UK Secretary of State for Business, admitted that the result was ‘very disappointing’. Financial releases indicate that borrowers repaid nearly

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jus 201Milestone 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jus 201Milestone 1 - Essay Example In solving such a case, it calls for conduction on the thorough investigations on the matter which will not only investigators make progress towards arresting perpetrators, but also for the purpose of aiding victims and preparing for prosecution. Hence, it is important to keep a comprehensive and systematized case files to make sure that it is possible later to tell a comprehensive and logical story about the crime and the suspect’s engrossment (Haines, 1980). First, I would conduct an interview with the victims by asking the most basic questions about the bombing, recording all the first-hand reactions. This will include obtaining confession from eyewitnesses at the scene. Also, it will call for reviewing street cameras or security camera footage of cameras installed in the near premises facing the scene. After that, I would review details provided in the initial interview with the victims familiarizing myself with the facts reported. This will also help determine that the facts meet the features of the crime classification and help resolve what information is required from the victim in the next interview (Geberth, 1986) Conducting a follow up interview will determine whether the facts have changed, or new facts have been learned by the victim. This will also present an opportunity for the victim to clarify any information in the initial report that is not clear. At this point, I will be able to determine the true nature of the bombing and whether there are other incidences involved before setting out on analyzing the information at hand. Based upon the known facts obtained from the site of the bombing, analysis will include examining photographs from the traffic cameras, running fingerprint match from fingerprints collected from the scene, examining photographs of taken from the scene trying to figure out the motive of the perpetrator who can be identified through eyewitness testimony, through circumstantial evidence or

The nature of God Essay Example for Free

The nature of God Essay Explain what the creation reveals about the nature of God (35) Question B). To what extent is God responsible for everything in creation? (10) Answer A). Parts of God’s nature and attributes are revealed and shown in the Creation Story of Genesis. The first being Creatio Ex Nihilo; this is how God created everything out of nothing, however, this attribute is not made completely clear in Genesis as it could be perceived as God shaping and calming the chaos that was already there. This questions whether God is a Craftsman as he would have used materials already in existence. God as Creator is another attribute portrayed in the beginning of the creation story, meaning that God created the world deliberately – therefore you cannot make something if you already have it. However, for Augustine these attributes are so far to be recognised as God must also be transcendent to being eternal as this would mean he is outside time and space, therefore making Creatio Ex Nihilo possible. When God begins creation, both omnipotence and perfection are shown. God says ‘let there be light’ and then there is light – whatever God commands becomes into existence. And then Genesis says that it was Good, showing that whatever God commands is perfect. It also shows God’s goodness, God is the highest standard of good and therefore whatever he commands is good. God created the world as an act of love showing omnibenevolence , he is an all-loving creature and created the world for us to live in. (27/35) Answer B). To an extent, God is responsible for everything in creation because he created the world; everything, and everyone in existence which shows that his power is now a consequence of that. Using the analogy of ‘creating a gun, is just as bad as shooting someone’ some people may argue that God created the gun even as an act of love, is the sole blame for all the bad and evil in the world. They may also argue that as God is omniscient as he would be able to see all of the bad that will come from creating the world and yet still chose to create the gun anyway. However, Christians may criticise this view with the fact that God gave us free will and therefore cannot be blamed for all the evil in the world. Some may argue that although God saw all the bad that would come from creating the world he also saw all the good that has happened, and is yet to come. Also, some Christians believe that God created the world and then left, so although he all created the world as an act of love and stewardship, he left it for us to look after – as our own responsibility and so cannot be blamed. On the hand to no extent is God responsible for everything in creation because Atheist would argue that God doesn’t exist and so plays no part in what happens in the world. However Christians would disagree with this. In conclusion, I believe God is responsible to extent for everything in creation because he created everything knowing what will come of it, but also gave us free will, and may have seen all the possibilities of this. Overall though, I don’t know if God exists so he could not be responsible what-so-ever. (7/10)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hindu Temple Architecture in the Taj Mahal

Hindu Temple Architecture in the Taj Mahal Traces of Hindu Temple Architecture in Taj Mahal As mentioned earlier in the previous chapter that many critics have found Urdu traces and Taj building is a symbolical representation of Mughal monument only. But Professor P.N. Oak challenges such ideas and brings out a critique that the Taj Mahal is actually a Hindu Temple of Lord Shiva (Tejo-Mahalaya). As P.N Oak also theorizes that a stone inscription which is known as the Bateshwar inscription is kept in the Lucknow Museum which shows that this monument can be a temple of Lord Shiva. It was found that the size of Mumtaz’s cenotaph is not of height of an average Islamic woman of the seventeenth century and the grave is not of appropriate dimensions. It could be said that the Shiva Linga which is considered as very sacred and holy is actually under the grave. The grave is on the first floor so it is not clear if Mumtaz’s body is really buried in Taj Mahal because bodies are usually buried in the earth and not in the flooring. This grave of Mumtaz is of the height of Hindu Shiva linga and if further digging would be allowed the result would come hence forth. Taj Mahal bears a lot of Hinduism traces and all such marks have been pointed out by P.N. Oak in his book. On the arch of Taj Mahal’s main tomb there is a trident (trishul) which is emblem of all Hindu Temples in India and no mosque or any other Muslim monument has a trident over its tomb. All plants and trees which are present in the gardens of the Taj Mahal are sacred to Hindus like Lotus, Tulsi, Banyan trees, etc. The main patterns are drawn which are found are Bel leaves and Harshringar flowers, these are actually used as an offering to Lord Shiva. There is a central chamber in between of eight doors which provides us the idea where the emblem of Lord Chandra-manleeshwar was present. The proper flooring of this central passage also gives us an idea that Lord Chandra- manleeshwar used to dance to worship Lord Shiva. The high doom above it is also a common feature is dripped over the Shiva linga from a bowl hanging on a certain height. Even the guides of Taj Mahal tell to all visitors about the tradition of a drop of rain water which is falling from height of the dome on the grave in the central chamber, this is actually a place from where the water used to drop on the Shiva Linga in the older times. There are silver doors and golden railings which are in the fixtures of the Taj Mahal, clearly give the Indianness to the monument because till date we can find such fixtures in our Hindu Temples. There are some ancient Hindu colored sketches of eight directional pointers, sixteen cobras, thirty two tridents, and sixty four flowers of lotus which are in the multiple of four which is considered auspicious in Hindu religion. This sketch is designed in the Taj Mahal’s central chamber, from the grave of Mumtaz this pattern can be seen very clearly. Even Tavernier also mentioned that the bazar used to be placed in the six courts of the Taj Mahal and this thing is everyone knows that in the tradition of Hindus fairs and bazars are set up around temples till date. On all four side entrances of the Taj Mahal, there is trident (trishul) is inlaid, which is exclusive weapon of Lord Shiva. It clearly proves that it is a Shiva temple. Some pointed out that the Taj Mahal dome has the Arabic engraving ‘Allaho Akbar’ meaning ‘God is Great’. These words were engraved on pinnacle ordered by Shah Jahan after he took over the Hindu temple and commandeered to change in Islamic use. But the same replica of the pinnacle inlaid in the red-stone courtyard does not have that Islamic inscription. Then there are spacious decorated chambers and an adjoining long corridor with the entire length of those apartments. These chambers are basically at the lower level than the basement central chamber. The chambers which are right under the graves of King and Queen on two floors which are sealed in a haphazard way with bricks are likely to have Hindu idols and inscriptions. The corridors which may be running under the red-stone terrace, they all are sealed. Likewise all the ventilator type openings and doors in the apartment row have also been crudely walled up under the red-stone terrace. We will be able to see the beauty of the underground apartments if those fillings are removed. It is very much possible that Taj Mahal has two floors above the river bed and one in the basement which has been sealed by Shah Jahan. ‘Taj Mahal’ is a foul form of Sanskrit ‘Tejo Mahalaya’ meaning ‘Resplendent Shrine’. This name also attach to Lord Shiva because his third eye is said to emit a fit if luster that is ‘Tejo’. Even if we look at the real meaning of the term ‘Taj Mahal’ it means a ‘crown residence’ and not a tomb . If these graves would have been the real graves, they wouldn’t have been so much decorated because in Muslim culture graves wouldn’t have been so much decorated. The corpse of Mumtaz, if it is buried in the Taj Mahal, it cannot be in the ground floor or in the basement chamber. There are other a Hindu symbols which are found in the Taj Mahal, like use of the sacred Hindu chant ‘OM’. ‘OM’ is crafted into the marble flower of lotus both lotus and OM are symbolically apart of Hindu culture which are present on the walls of Taj Mahal even on the so called â€Å"graves†. Any student or scholar of architecture can clearly tell that the ‘flower’ drawn on the marbles is a part of ancient Hindu temple drawings and not of any Muslim sepulcher workmanship. There is one important point also that time or rather span of death of Mumtaz is not clear. Some historians says that, she died in 1630 or 1631or 1632 A.D., and in the illustrious sepulcher it is written that she died in 1629 A.D. It is absurdto think nobody knows the correct timing of Mumtaz’s death. In fact, Taj Mahal has Hindu palace dimensions. Taj Mahal has many doors which are in spiked shape. There are red stone corridors, thorns and rooms all these attributes are just like typical Rajput building. ‘Ghat’ which is very common in temple palace, exists in Taj Mahal. Gateways of the Taj Mahal which are now closed were earlier the place to bathe in the river and go boating. Many rooms in the Taj Mahal complex are the drum houses. These drum houses are a part of Rajputana architecture. It is obvious that in memorial place no drum houses are planned to make, and there is no music places made in any Islamic buildings, music is actually restricted, hence the drum houses clearly prove the hand of Hinduism in the Taj Mahal. There are so many rooms for guests, army detachments, waiters, caterers etc for any royal purposes. Such architecture is never used in making any tomb. All the walls and doors are also in Hindu dimension, like silver doors which have been discussed earlier. In the Taj Mahal there are four towers at the each doorway. The top of the tower is made up by brass Kalases. Kalases is a Sanskrit word and this word can never be connected to any tomb and also does not fit the Taj building architecture. ‘Kalas’ signifies a shinning pinnacle made up by brass or gold. This word only comes in a connection of temples or any Hindu palace but Taj Mahal’s top of the tower uses similar material and hence this also gives us the hint of Temple like palace instead of a burial tomb. Three different scientific tests took place to find out the actualities of Taj Mahal. First one is Donodo chronology, in this test wood sample is taken of respective historic building. Second one is Thermoluminescence, in this test a brick powder or whole brick is taken and find out when this brick was baked. This test is very helpful in finding the age of the historic buildings. Third test is Carbon-14 test; this test is helpful in finding out the actual age of any living organism like wood piece or bone. Professor Mills from New York took the Carbon-14 test by taking out small wooden piece of one of the Taj Mahal’s wooden door. This report published in the Itihas Patrika. It was found out that the probable age of the sample is from 1448 and 1270 A.D. This test clearly proves that the Taj Mahal existed much before Shah Jahan. But here I would like to tell readers clearly that the age which was proved in the test was of the Northeastern doorway and not of the Taj Mahal’s marble. In this chapter, many examples have been discussed which clearly tell that Taj Mahal is basically a Hindu ancient temple (Tejo Mahalaya) and not a tomb.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Juvenile Boot Camps For Offenders Criminology Essay

The Juvenile Boot Camps For Offenders Criminology Essay The United States used to be a nation focused on rehabilitating juveniles that deviated from the social norms (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). This attitude was dramatically altered in the 1960s when public opinion of the medical model deteriorated and the punishment model started to gain support (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). This shift in ideals has resulted in an increased popularity of boot camp programs (Gover, MacKenzie, Armstrong, 2000). There has been a great deal of debate as to whether boot camps are more or less successful than traditional detainment facilities at reducing recidivism rates among juveniles (DeMuro, 2008). Despite the lack of empirical evidence that juvenile boot camps are more successful, they continue to gain popularity within the juvenile justice system (DeMuro, 2008). Boot camps are less cost effective, and no more successful at reducing recidivism rates among juveniles, than traditional treatment facilities. The first boot camps used as alternative punishments in the United States were created in Georgia and Oklahoma in 1983 (Tyler, Darville, Stalnaer, 2001). The first boot camp program oriented toward juveniles was created in Orleans Parish, Louisiana in 1985 (Tyler et al., 2001). Between 1985 and 1995, the number of juvenile boot camps had risen to more than 75, spanning across 13 states (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). Furthermore, Ardovini-Brooker Walker (2000) expected that half of all juvenile jurisdictions in the United States would have boot camp programs in place by the year 2000. There were many factors that gave rise to the popularity of juvenile boot camps. Ardovini-Brooker and Walker (2000) state six objectives of juvenile boot camps. The first objective of the boot camps was to alleviate the overcrowding facilities that were already in place (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The second objective was to lower the cost of juvenile treatment by placing the juveniles in a program that took less time to complete (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The third objective was to increase the perceived accountability of the juvenile justice system because many thought that it was too lenient with juvenile offenders (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The fourth objective was to increase the rehabilitation of the juvenile offenders by placing them in a more structured environment (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The fifth objective was to reduce juvenile recidivism rates through shock incarceration (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The sixth and final objective of juven ile boot camp programs was to give back to the community by requiring the juveniles in the program to perform duties such as liter pick-up (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). Both adult and juvenile boot camps were designed for first time or less violent offenders and are considered to be as a type of shock incarceration (DeMuro, 2008). Experts believe that the radical change in behavior that offenders will experience in a boot camp should be enough to scare or à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"shockà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  them straight (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). Boot camps achieve this radical change by incorporating basic elements of military philosophy (Gover et al., 2000). Juvenile boot camps are supposed to provide intense physical activity and a healthy atmosphere that result in a favorable background for therapy and education (Styve, MacKenzie, Gover, Mitchell, 2000). These boot camps can vary in length of time but are generally between 90 and 120 days (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The programs incorporate elements of military boot camps such as uniforms, marching, calisthenics, and running various types of drills (Styve et al., 2000). These elements are supposed to combine to make the boot camp a life changing event for the juvenile offender (Tyler et al., 2001). There are many experts who are opposed to using juvenile boot camp programs as a means of punishment or rehabilitation. These experts point to the fact that there is no empirical evidence that boot camp programs actually reduce recidivism rates and that boot camp programs are not cost effective (DeMuro, 2008; Tyler et al., 2001). Styve et al (2000) stated that boot camps may not provide the necessary care and attention to individuals that is required for rehabilitation to take place. These same experts believe that the system would be better off using the traditional facilities and supervised probation programs already in place (Tyler et al., 2001). The first problem with juvenile boot camp programs that many experts cite is that there is still relatively little empirical data to support the claim that they reduce recidivism rates (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention [OJJDP] stated that the use of juvenile boot camps has had no effect on the rates of juvenile recidivism (Tyler et al., 2001). Experts in the juvenile justice field believe that this may be a result of the lack of uniformity among the many boot camp programs (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000). Some examples of this lack of uniformity would include: the duration of the boot camp (90-120 days), which of the six objectives the camp is focused on, the type of offender that is sentenced to the boot camp, and whether or not there is an intensive after care program that is used in conjunction with the boot camp itself (Ardovini-Brooker Walker, 2000; Tyler et al., 2001). A second criticism of juvenile boot camp programs is that they are not cost effective. According to OJJDP, juvenile boot camps cost nearly 10 times more than juvenile probation programs per offender (Tyler et al., 2001). In Texas in 1998, the cost per day of a juvenile in a boot camp was $88.62 (Tyler et al., 2001). At the same time, the cost for a juvenile in a traditional treatment facility was $85.90 per day, and the cost of probation per day was $8.44 (Tyler et al., 2001). Taking into account that juvenile boot camps help fewer offenders at a time, Tyler et al (2001) calculated the average cost of a boot camp program per juvenile per year to be $33,480. Further, they calculated the average cost of a traditional detainment facility to be $31,354 per juvenile per year. This, they stated, demonstrates that juvenile boot camps are not a cost effective alternative to using traditional facilities or probation. A third criticism of juvenile boot camps is that not all juveniles are suited mentally enough to handle the environment of a military style boot camp (Gover et al., 2000). There are many juveniles that cannot adjust to the sudden change in culture that is associated with boot camps (Gover et al., 2000). Gover et al (2000) claim that the harsh conditions at boot camps do not provide a stable environment that is healthy for therapy, which is a contradiction of one of the goals of juvenile boot camps. When selecting juveniles for boot camp programs, it is important to choose older youths who are less prone to experience anxiety, as those who are younger or are more prone to experience anxiety are less likely to be responsive to any treatment they may receive in a boot camp (Gover et al., 2000). Over the past few decades, juvenile boot camps have increased in popularity (Ardovini-Brooker, Walker, 2000). This trend has continued despite any lack of evidence that supports the idea that juvenile boot camps reduce recidivism rates (Ardovini-Brooker, Walker, 2000). It has also been shown that boot camp programs are not a cost effective alternative to traditional treatment, particularly when compared to supervised probation (Tyler et al., 2001). These facts have led many experts to believe that juvenile boot camp programs, as a whole, are not a successful alternative to traditional treatment facilities.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing Essay: Effective Use of the Foil -- Much Ado Ab

Effective Use of the Foil in   Much Ado About Nothing      Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, the famous British poet William Blake wrote that "without contraries there is no progression - Attraction and repulsion, reason and imagination, and love and hate are all necessary for human existence" (Blake 122).   As Blake noted, the world is full of opposites.   But, more importantly, these opposites allow the people of the world to see themselves and their thoughts more clearly.   For, as Blake asserts, without attraction, one cannot understand repulsion, and without imagination, one cannot understand reason.   In Much Ado About Nothing (MAAN), William Shakespeare uses this idea of the power of opposites to show the differences in two types of love.   Using the relationship, language, and actions of Hero and Claudio as a foil against those of Beatrice and Benedick, Shakespeare has painted a world in which the ideas of courtly love only serve to illuminate those of true love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In an essay on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, William Kittredge defined the idea of courtly love that is illustrated in MAAN.   Kittredge said that courtly love must involve a love that is extremely idealized and superficial, with the vassal or servant-like suitor, who is often a valiant knight, devoting himself completely to an ideal woman who is often the daughter of a powerful man (Kittredge 528-529).   When this definition is applied to the relationship between Hero and Claudio in MAAN, one is able to recognize a perfect match.   For example, Claudio, a young lord of Florence, is a valiant soldier as is shown in the first scene of the play with the comments made by the Messenger: "[Claudio] hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing ... ...hat is truly Much Ado About Nothing, becomes a commentary on the idea of love.   True love becomes illuminated through its reflection in its own foil - the ideals of courtly love.   The true relationship of Beatrice and Benedick compared to the relationship of Claudio and Hero, gives the reader not only a better understanding of the power of the literary foil, but also a foil into which that reader can reflect and better understand himself.    Works Cited "Blake, William." The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations.  Ã‚   CD-ROM. New York: Columbia UP, 1998. Kittredge, George. "The Marriage Group." The Canterbury  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tales: A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. V.A. Kolve. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1989. 523-530. Shakespeare, William. "Much Ado About Nothing." The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997. 1389-1443.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free YGB Essay - Innocence vs Reality in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

The story Young Goodman Brown presents two themes; loss of innocence and coping with reality. Loss of Innocence is a major theme of the story and is easily seen. A loss of innocence is when those that do not know something horrible or do not believe in its existence come to an understanding of that horrible thing that forever changes them. The innocents in the story are Goodman Brown and his wife, Faith. Faith, we see is capable of attaining heaven(577), a good place where evil is unknown. Brown is also an innocent as shown by when the devil reveals to him a series of horribles as the two walk through the woods-namely that his grandfather, his mentor, and the preacher have all communed with the devil before (578-580). In the passage, the devil puts it upon himself to rectify this lack of understanding by informing those who had hoped for good, that their very nature is evil. The truth is what Goodman Brown had said before "There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil ! for to thee is this world given(581)."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Coping with reality becomes a major issue after the loss of innocence. Both of our innocents must devise a way of dealing with the new found horribles. The devil, in our passage, suggests : "Evil must be your only happiness." When Brown denies the devil's truth(584), he chooses the alternative. Brown lives out his life an uphappy and distrustful man (584). His wife, once a happy person, due to evidence of the contrary, did not change and lived a happy life. So we can see there were two paths to follow once innocence has been lost-accepantance of the horrible truth which leads to happiness or the constant denial of it and consequent gloom (585).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These two themes point out two very separate beliefs of the sociohistorical period during which Hawthorne wrote. Puritanism had held sway over American thought for many generations prior to Hawthorne. It presented the idea that all men are born sinful due to Original Sin. That understanding was the basis for the loss of innocence theme described earlier. At Hawthorne's time puritanical beliefs were transforming. The new theology emphasized a connection of man to nature. Any truths to be found in nature were right and true. This presented the second theme or question of coping with reality.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Behavioral Theory

The ‘Behavioral Theory’ is the most applicable theory that should be used in a training environment. A training environment involves a series of steps wherein all of the participants undergo tedious challenges and examinations in order to achieve the goal that the trainer or examiner wants to achieve. A training environment aims to maximize whatever skills, potentials or strengths a person has so that the latter would be able to achieve the desired result of the training program.This presupposes that the participants in the training program are not yet the best in their field thus there is a need to train them, so that they would be able to develop whatever is needed by them to excel in whatever field they chose to enter. The environment that a person lives in has an impact in his way of living. Whether or not a person would realize it, the fact remains that his surroundings will always have an effect on him which can be seen through his acts whether he is conscious of d oing them or not. This concept is the same as that being relayed by the behavioral theory.This theory provides in essence, that the skills of the person could be developed with the help of the environment that he is surrounded with. The behavior of a person is dictated by what he senses around him. Thus, everything can be adapted by him and eventually instilled in him. A person can learn and pattern his behavior from what he sees, feels, or thinks. I believe that this is the best theory in training. The success of any training depends on the attitude of the participant. But, there are a lot of factors that should be given importance to be able to help the participant to surpass his training.The training environment should be adequate for the organization or company that is giving the training. For example, a training camp for swimmers should have a swimming pool, a coach, a strict schedule, diet and good itinerary. The people who are called to engage in the training are not necessar ily the best people in the field of swimming. But, with the help of the trainer who motivates them, the strict training schedule which calls for them to get up early in the morning to exercise and swim, to have a healthy diet and others would help a lot in directing the minds of the swimmers to become the best athletes.A person who is surrounded with positive people who constantly assure a person that it is possible to reach his dreams would be motivated to give his best and eventually excel in his field. These people were not born as the most intelligent or are considered as the gifted ones but they can outshine everybody if they chose to do so. The ‘behavior theory’ imparts the principle that everything can be learned by anyone who puts his heart into it. A person who is surrounded by people who are geared towards the accomplishment of the same goal or purpose would have the focus to really work hard towards that objective.The manner of thinking and attitude of a pers on could be changed because he would be able to adapt the attitude of the people around him. Let us compare a situation of two children who were born with different levels of intelligence quotient, one with a superior IQ and the other with an average IQ. The child with the superior IQ is not assured of success and wealth when he grows up. His IQ alone would not suffice to help him stand out in the world if his training is poor. While a child with an average IQ but is hard working, motivated and determined with his training can become more successful than the child with a superior IQ.The reason for this is that intelligence alone is not enough because the behavior of a person plays a very important role for him to be able to reach his goals. Thus the cognitive theory is not a guarantee for success in a training environment. The ‘behavior theory’ is more holistic in its approach for training individuals in any organization setting. Reference: – Behavioral Theory. R etrieved on May 3, 2009 from website htm. – Cognitive Behavior Theory. Retrieved on May 3, 2009 from website http://www. cognitivebehavior. com/theory/index_p. html.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Law governing Turkey Essay

IVF (in vitro fertilization) refers to treatment for infertility, in which eggs are removed from a woman’s body, fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and then returned to the womb shortly afterwards to continue developing. IVF has been greatly achieved by the Turkish Medicine community such that even individual mothers and couples from other countries hospitals in go into Turkey in order to get children through this process. The sperms donated by sperm donors undergo screening in order to check their health status and the desirable traits required by most patients (ourbodiesourselves para2). These advances in technologies are not in harmony with the culture and the law governing Turkey. The paces at which the technologies are advancing are greater than the rate at which the society is responding to such changes, especially by those in lower socioeconomic class. But again many people would prefer the idea of surrogate motherhood and oocyte donation to some new techniques that are applied in medical practice today. All over the world, Turkey included, people are still debating on the social and ethical impacts of oocyte donation and surrogacy on the society. According to (Selim, et al 34), not many studies have been carried out in Turkish society to get their views on surrogate motherhood and oocyte donation. But studies that have been conducted with an aim of investigating the ethical dilemmas faced by the Turkish people on in vitro fertilization and oocyte donation have shown that even most infertile married females would still not accept surrogate motherhood and egg donation. Most of them had preferred adoption to IVF method. They reason that, these advancements in medicine are against nature (Selim, Et al 54). Interestingly, many studies carried out in Turkey show that many people agree to oocyte donation. Analysis Ethics is the belief and principles that determine people’s behavior which in turn forms people’s culture. IVF and oocyte donation for a long time has been a topic of debate especially concerning their conflicting values to societal norms and at the same time the need to fulfill patients’ desires to have children. Normally infertile couples can make decision on what they want regarding having children but this is limited the laws that govern reproduction in Turkey. The laws have to be consistent with the socio-cultural and religious values, which in Turkey does not permit certain reproductive treatments. Ethical issues that have risen since this technology came to place include the spread of gay marriages which is against Islamic and Christian teachings and is a threat to moral being of most societies in the world (Jinemed Hospital para 4). Unfortunately, even Lesbian couples and gay men hire surrogates to give birth to their children. This is against the purpose for which the technology was developed. Another issue is the sustainability of most marriages not just in Turkey but in the whole world in general especially in USA where most divorce cases occur. Some women particularly those of high socioeconomic status prefer to stay single because after all there is oocyte donation and they can afford to pay surrogates. Some just do this because she would never want to be seen pregnant or to bear the pain of carrying the baby in her womb. These technologies have serious effects on marriages today since anybody can have a child whether in a relationship or not. Although Turkey does not experience high divorce rates as the USA, but it still poises a problem. The issue about the stability of the family has also been a major concern especially on the side of the surrogate mother comes from. The first surrogate mother in the world, Elizabeth Kane describes her ordeal as surrogate mother to be one of the worst experiences in her life since normally the society has eyes on you and your family. She says that being a surrogate psychologically and emotionally affects the mother, her husband and even their children. It even becomes difficult to think of surrendering the child to the mother due to the emotional attachment between the surrogate mother and the child. She considers being a surrogate to be prostitution (Ourbodiesourselves para 2). Conclusion IVF (in vitro fertilization) and oocyte donation had all the good intentions but its negative impacts were not seriously looked into before putting it into practice for human beings and that is the reason why coming up with a proper and all inclusive legislation has not been possible not only in Turkey but in any country in the world. Just like cloning has been a big issue and threat to humans, IVF might be different but it poses almost the same threat to human beings. Proper legislation is necessary to curb the ethical issues that have been raised by religious communities and the civil society. Again, just like abortion, legislation alone may not contribute much in reconsidering such practices. The most important is the attitude of the people towards such technologies. Works Cited Page Jinemed Hospital: Infertility treatment in Turkey. Intuition Communication Ltd, Istanbul 2010 Retrieved from http://www. treatmentabroad. com/infertility-treatment-abroad/turkey- infertility/jinemed-hospital/ Our Bodies Ourselves: The Politics of Women’s Health. Health Resource Centre, Boston. 2008 Retrieved from http://www. ourbodiesourselves. org/book/companion. asp? id=31&compID=67 Selim; Muharrem; Hakan; Mahir; Gulec; Adnan; Fatma; Ceren and Ozlem et al. Determination of the attitudes of Turkish infertile women towards surrogacy and oocyte donation. Professional Medical Publication, Karachi 2009

Fraud and Highest Embezzlement Case

Embezzlement: Attempting to Find the Easy Way Out Name School Envy and greed has existed since the beginning of time. Maybe we are born with those traits or maybe we are taught through life’s lessons. The rich are perceived as having a carefree un-stress-filled life. The reality shows and news stories of the wealthy buying yachts, taking lavish vacations with their Barbie doll mate, summer homes that are actually castles and extravagant parties. The rest of the world seems to be the servants of the wealthy. How can society not be envious or greedy to obtain what the few have in their life?Part of society is happy with their position in life; just being able to pay the bills, and take care of their family is what drives them. However, the other part of society wonder, â€Å"How have some individuals been gifted with monetary wealth? †, and their resentment builds. The â€Å"Get Rich† schemes are created. The individuals trying to make the quick buck will pressure their friends and family into buying the Mary Kay, Tupperware, or lending money to place bets on Sport games or a gambling weekend at the casino. All this under the assumption that they will make a great deal of money, and earn the respect of the wealthy elite.The most well know form of money schemes is embezzlement. An understanding definition of embezzlement comes from Global Legal Resources; it states: Embezzlement is a criminal offense which involves the fraudulent and secret misappropriation of money or assets by an agent to who the property has been entrusted. This occurs when a person obtains possession of the goods or money in legal, proper manner, but then appropriates them for his/her use without the rightful owner’s permission. Six (6) cases of embezzlement stand out in Modern day History.The first case is about Yasuyoshi Kato in 1997 who managed to steal $132 million from Day-Lee Foods, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California. At the time, Yasuyoshi was the Chief Fin ancial Offer of Day-Lee Foods. He managed to keep the game up for six (6) years by fraud and forged checks. Yasuyoshi, a Japanese citizen, wrote checks to himself and his wife, from the various companies’ accounts over the six (6) years. He even was so arrogant that he took out bank loans under the company’s name and manipulated the accounting books to cover the theft. Yasuyoshi bought umerous luxury homes, a citrus ranch, premium vehicles, unstable business ventures that failed, jewelry and extraordinary animals. He blamed his wife in court on the reasoning on why he performed the embezzlement. Stating she was always unsatisfied. Yasuyoshi was even so ignorant that when he was asked where the money was coming from, he stated he was a secret inventor of Nintendo. In 1997, Yasuyoshi Kato plead guilty to six felony counts. They ranged from mail fraud (Statute 18 U. S. C. Section 1341) to wire fraud (Statute 18 U. S. C. Section 1343).In the end, he was sentenced to 63 mon ths in a federal state prison and an additional five years of probation. This was the maximum sentencing at this time. (Marquet, 2010) The second largest case of embezzlement was Gilbert Beesmyer of Guarantee Building & Loan Association of Hollywood, California. He was found guilty in December of 1930 (Statute 18 U. S. C. Section 981), and length of the fraud is unknown but assumed to be less than one year. Beesemyer was able to steal the equivalent of $100 million in 2010 dollars using his position within the company as the founder, general secretary and manager.The Guarantee Building and Loan Association went broke because of Beesemyer’s actions. He stole the money in form of overdraft penalties, and repeatedly stated he planned to repay the money. Even though he was sentenced to 10 to 100 years to the San Quentin prison, he was released under parole in 1940. The community that had invested in Beesemyer’s bank was destroyed. Businesses failed, 2,500 families went bro ke, individuals went to asylums and thirty committed suicide. In the end, Beesemyer was able to live his life out to the fullest at age 97 in Baltimore Maryland. Marquet, 2010) Ricardo Carrasco, a Uruguayan national, was able to embezzle $97. 7 million from the BankBoston Corp located in Boston Massachusetts. As the same as the Beesemyer’s case, officials were unable to determine the length of the fraud. He was uncovered in 1998 at the age of 41. Yet, Carrasco suspected that the bank officials finally caught on to him, so he went into hiding. Carrasco started his association with the BankBoston Corp in 1977 at the Uruguayan branch. In 1998, the bank transferred him the Boston location. Carrasco executed fraudulent loans to an Oldemar Laborda in Argentina.Oldemar Laborda has been known for having a highly suspicious past. The FDIC ordered Carrasco to repay $73 million. The bank wrote off $66 million and even offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. But t o this day, he remains a fugitive. (Marquet, 2010) The Chief Operating Officer of Tenens Corp. , dba Essex Street Associates of Beverly Massachusetts embezzled for seven years the amount of $72. 3 million. John Doorly started with the company as a clerk, and with hard work, was able to rise to the CFO position. The clients trusted him, the company trusted him.In the seven years, he transferred assets from the clients trust accounts to his own personal accounts. Doorly established personal credit cards that the company unknowing paid for. He even overcharged clients in the excess of $61 million for his services and so-called expenses on over-seeing their accounts. Doorly spent the money on gifts for his wife and mistress, and apartment for his son, vehicles, travel, airplanes and numerous failed business ventures. He forged the statements that were mailed to the clients, and even went as far as to deceive the outside auditors.Doorly’s new assistant, Kim Borans, was the one who found irregularities in the accounts. She immediately went to one of the officers of Tenens Corp to report her findings and suspicion of embezzlement. Doorly was fired and a forensic internal audit was conducted of his accounts. On March 201, Doorly was sentenced to 17-1/2 years to a federal prison. (Marquet, 2010) The fifth highest embezzlement case is Ausuf Umar Siddiqui, the vice president of Merchandising and Operations of Fry’s Electronics located in San Jose, California. He pled guilty of vendor fraud and kickbacks in the theft of $69 million.The scheme began in January 2005 and ended when he was finally caught in November 2008. Siddiqui had a base salary of $225,000 a year and was the supervisor of 120 employees in purchasing department. His department was responsible for purchasing merchandise on all Fry’s 34 locations. Siddiqui even went as far is to set-up a dummy vendor where he could embezzle the money. He stole the money to satisfy his gambling habit and the need to live the high life. At the time Siddiqui was caught he was being sued by three casinos, Planet Hollywood, Palms Casino and Trump Taj Mahal, for outstanding debt on gambling.Venetian Resort and Casino in Las Vegas reported that he gambled $17. 9 million dollars with them alone. An investigation showed that his gambling debt over a ten-year period is approximately $167 million. (Marquet, 2010) A case the hits close to home is the Koss Corporation. Sjuata Sachdeva was the Chief Financial Officer of Koss Corporation located in Milwaukee Wisconsin. She began her career with the company as a temporary worker, and within one year was promoted to vice president of finance. Over a span of twelve years, Sachdeva was able to embezzle $40. million by fraudulent funds transfers. She approved at least 204 wire transfers of funds from the company bank accounts to her personal American Express credit card. Also, Sachdeva issued more than 500 cashier’s checks from the company†™s accounts to pay for personal lavish expenses. On top of this, she informed other Koss employees to make fraudulent entries into the company’s books to conceal her theft. The theft was only caught after American Express notified Koss of unusally high volume of large transactions.Sachdeva used her illegally obtained money for a vacation home in Hawaii, a new Mercedes Benz, luxury travel, furs, designer shoes, art and jewelry. She had purchased some many items that she had two storage containers rented in Milwaukee. During the investigation, some luxury stores come forward stating that she had purchased items ans asked the store to hold the item for her until she came and picked it up. However, she never showed up. Sachdeva even had enough nerve to hold various fundraisers to flaunt her wealth in hopes of joining the socialate circle of Milwaukee.The Board of Trustees of Cardinal Stritch University was so impressed with her that she was offered a position to sit on their bo ard. To cover her theft, Sachdeva informed her friends that her husband, a pediatrician, made a couple million a year, and she made only half a million and they both came from wealthy Indian families. On Sachdeva’s sentencing day she made a statement of, â€Å"I stand before you today truly remorseful. You have been my family, my friends, and my co-workers for many years. I know you have been deeply hurt by my dishonesty in ways that I never intended. For eleven years she will sit in prison for her greed and envy. (Marquet, 2010) In every case examined, the US Code that has been violated is Chapter 31: Embezzlement and theft. Twenty-nine Sections of the Code have been created to cover every type of theft from public money, property or records to major theft of livestock. The state sentencing of embezzlement ranges anywhere from 45 months for felonies, six months for misdemeanors or 38 months of probation and including repayment of money and fines.The sentencing is determined by the monetary amount that is stolen. (US Code) The Federal Government oversees accusations of embezzlement for public agencies, banks, US courts, credit agencies and any program that received money from the Federal Government. Yet, Federal punishment is anywhere between two years to 30 years in prison. However, if the dollar amount of the embezzlement is less than $1000, then the sentence will be less than one year with a fine of only $1000. (Embezzlement Cases) People always are caught when it comes to greed and envy.The embezzler’s keep stealing thinking they are good enough to keep getting away with it, or maybe it is the lavish lifestyle that blinds them to the consequences. Why are the not happy with the large amount of salary that they receive as income from their careers? It is always more and more until they sit behind metal bars with nothing but a prison issued jumpsuit and a boyfriend named ‘Butch’. References Country. (n. d. ). Embezzlement Law. Law yers, Attorneys, Law Firms A– Find Legal Information. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from http://www. g. org/embezzlement. html Embezzlement Cases. (n. d. ). Defending your rights in the criminal justice system. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from http://www. defending. com/embezzlement-cases Marquet, C. (n. d. ). The Top 10 Embezzlement Cases in Modern US History. Marquet International. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from www. marquetinternational. com/pdf/top_10_embezzlement_cases_in_us_history. pdf US Code – Chapter 31: Embezzlement and theft. (n. d. ). US Code. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from http://codes. lp. findlaw. com/uscode/18/I/31

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dynamic and formal equivalence Essay

?Commentory on translation Choisir une notion (foreignization) ? Explain and expand it Explain the key concepts Critics about Relate this approach to the translation task Seminar paper choisir un article qui parle de traduction resumez l’article et presentez les differents point critiques qui on ete faites sur l’auteur critiques justifies ou pas ? Domestication and Foreignization Theory. Domestication and foreignization are two basic translation strategies which provide both linguistic and cultural guidance for translators in rendering culture-specific source texts into target texts. The invisibility of translator is related to theory of domestication and foreignization. In his experiences as a translator and at the same time his inspirations by German philosopher Schleiermacher, Venuti describes the role and activity of translator in British and American cultures. In fact, Venuti’s work is inspired by Schleiermacher’s essay where he moves beyond strict issues of word-for-word and sense-for-sense, literal, faithful and free translation, and considers that there is only two options to translate ‘truly’: Either the translator leaves the writer in peace as much as possible and moves the reader toward him, or he leaves the reader in peace as much as possible and moves the writer toward him (Munday: p. 46) Domestication: Domestication is the type of translation which involves minimizing the source-text foreign elements to the target-language cultural values. Foreignization, on the other extreme, involves retaining the foreigness of the original-language text. In Venuti? s perspective, the foreign elements should be highlighted by the translator to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text. The debate over domestication and its extreme method of foreignization has strongly influenced by and later developed from the time-worn controversy over literal and free translation methods (Dongfeng 2002). Literal and liberal translations are two techniques adopted to tackle the linguistic form, whereas domestication and foreignization transcend linguistic boundaries. They are more concerned with the two cultures. The former replaces the source culture with the target culture and the latter preserves the differences in both linguistic presentation and cultural connotation of the source culture (Yang, 2010).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Comparison Between Directed and Reported Speech

DIRECT SPEECH VS. REPORTED SPEECH There are two ways to report what someone says or thinks; 1. Direct speech shows a person’s exact words. Quotation marks (â€Å". . . †) are a sign that the words are the same words that a person used. For example: Madison: What do you want to eat for lunch? Jason: I think I will have hamburger. Direct speech: Maria asked, â€Å"What do you want to eat for lunch? † Jason replied, â€Å"I think I will have hamburger. † 2. Reported speech (Indirect speech) puts the speaker’s words or ideas into a sentence without quotation marks. Noun clauses are usually used.For example: Madison: What do you want to eat for lunch? Jason: I think I will have hamburger. Reported speech: Madison asked Jason What he wanted for lunch. Jason said that he was thinking of having hamburger for lunch. COMPASRISON BETWEEN DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH 1. 0 VERB TENSE IN REPORTED SPEECH DIRECT SPEECH| REPORTED SPEECH| simple present past present pe rfect will can | simple past past perfectpast perfect wouldcould| Quotation Reported speech â€Å"I am hungry. † She stated that she was hungry. â€Å"The exam will be next week. † Dr. Jones said the exam will be next week 2. QUESTIONS IN REPORTED SPEECH a. Word order: The word order in a reported question is the same as in a statement. The subject comes before the verb. b. Punctuation: If the sentence is a statement, it end with a period (. ) even if it contains a reported question. c. To change a yes/no question to a noun clause in reported speech, introduce the noun clause with if or whether. Whether or not may also be used. d. To change an information question to a noun clause in reported speech, begin the noun clause with the question word,DIRECT SPEECH| REPORTED SPEECH| * Question: Are you ready? Statement: I am ready. * â€Å"Did you turn off the coffee pot? † * â€Å"Is supper ready? † * â€Å"Where do they live? † * â€Å"When did you cal l? † | * She wanted to know if I was ready. * I asked Amy if she had turned off the coffee. * Eli wanted to know whether supper was ready. * Abdul wanted to know where they live. * Sharon asked me when I had called. | 3. 0 PRONOUNS Since the person who is reporting what someone said is usually different from the person who made the original statement, pronouns in reported speech often change.DIRECT SPEECH| REPORTED SPEECH| * â€Å"I am hungry. † * â€Å"Where will you be? † | * George said he was hungry. * Bill wanted to know where I would be. | 4. 0 PLACE AND TIME Changes in place and time words depend on changes in the situation between direct and reported speech. DIRECT SPEECH| REPORTED SPEECH| * â€Å"I don’t like this book. † * â€Å"I’ll see you tomorrow. † (spoken on Thursday) | * Jaime said he didn’t like that book. * Michiko said she would see me today. (spoken on Friday) Michiko said she would see me yesterday. (spoken on Saturday)| 5. 0 INFINITIVES . Infinitives (to + the simple form of the verb) may sometimes be used instead of noun clauses. b. Commands can be reported two ways: 1. a noun clause with a modal (usually should) 2. an infinitive c. Requests for action or permission can be reported two ways: 1. a noun clause with if 2. an infinitive DIRECT SPEECH| REPORTED SPEECH| * â€Å"Call me when you get home. † * Action: â€Å"Will you carry the box for me? † * Permission: â€Å"Can I make an appointment? † | * -She said that we should call her when we get home. -She said to call her when we get home. -She asked me if I would carry the box for her. * -She asked me to carry the box for her. * -The student asked if he could make an appointment. -The student asked to make an appointment. | 6. 0 RECOMMEND AND SUGGEST The subjunctive, or base, form of the verb (no tense, without to) is used in reported speech when the main verb is recommend or suggest. DIRECT SPEECH| REPORTED S PEECH| * â€Å"You should arrive early. † * â€Å"Don’t wait to apply. † | * Jason recommended that we arrive early. * Anna recommended that I not wait to apply. |

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Pepsi Refresh Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Pepsi Refresh Project - Research Paper Example Social media marketing entails using these social media platforms for direct marketing. Corporate blogs have become an important medium for enhancing communication with the internal and external customers (Cox, Martinez & Quinlan, 2008). Viral transfer of messages through corporate blogs reduces advertising costs while disseminating new about products and services (Scammel, 2006). The social media, being interactive in nature, has enabled customer involvement in content creation and value generation, which helps businesses to understand and serve their customers better (Abrahams, 2012). This enhances customer engagement thereby enabling the organization to build long-term customer relationship. Engaging the customer has become important in the turbulent business environment today. Apple or its iPod and iPad, CNN and Starbucks have been extensively using social media marketing for building brand awareness and brand community (Palmer & Koenig-Lewis, 2009). The number of active FaceBook users reached 500 million by 2010 with over 70% users being outside the US. More than 10 million Tweets or messages had been sent by March 2010 since its launch in 2006 (Baird & Parasnis, 2011). These have now reached a state that consumers and their virtual networks drive the conversation, which poses challenges for businesses. Companies are increasingly becoming engaged in social media marketing because they believe they will be â€Å"out of touch† if they do not do so. However, consumers have their own reasons for being engaged in social media platforms. They expect tangible benefits such as discount coupons for sharing their opinions. Thus, while social media marketing has a wider reach and great potential to engage and build customer relationship, it also poses challenges. It is also not known to what extent businesses are ready for using this platform as this is a shift from the traditional marketing media such as advertising through television and magazines. Moreover, the users might be increasing but many use social media merely to connect with family and friends. 2. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media Marketing for business entrepreneurs. Social media marketing has several advantages such as that it allows business to gather information about their clients, create communities and encourage participation (Champoux, Durgee & McGlynn, 2012). Entrepreneurs that have been able to incorporate the social media into their business model have been able to increase brand awareness (27%), boost sales (15%) and improve customer service (11%) (Tuttle, 2010). They use the social media marketing to achieve a high level of search engine optimization (SEO) and natural search generate more sales. Increased brand awareness, increased customer acquisition and spread of information and other links is very fast through linking systems. This facilitates stakeholder communication but the disadvantage here is that the company has no control over t he content (Aula, 2010). Both small and big businesses have been harnessing the potential of social media marketing. Big businesses such as IBM own more than 100 blogs, several official Twitter accounts and a popular forum called developerWorks (Zarrella, 2010).

Monday, August 12, 2019

Brand Management Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Brand Management Strategy - Essay Example Thus, a product may be a physical good (e.g., a cereal, tennis racquet, or automobile), service (e.g., an airline, bank, or insurance company), retail store (e.g., a department store, specialty store, or supermarket), person (e.g., a political figure, entertainer, or professional athlete), organization (e.g., a nonprofit organization, trade organization, or arts group), place (e.g., a city, state, or country), or idea (e.g., a political or social cause). Brands play a critical role in a firm's international marketing strategy. Coherent international brand architecture is a key component of the firm's overall international marketing strategy as it provides a framework to leverage strong brands into other markets, assimilate acquired brands, and rationalize the firm's international branding strategy. This paper aims at making a detailed analysis of the product portfolio of Coca Cola and determines the effectiveness of its brand strategies. Most discussion and research on branding, both in domestic or international markets focus on the equity or value associated with a brand name and the factors that create or are the underlying source of value (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1997; Keller, 1998). Considerable attention has, for example, been devoted to examining about extending the value embodied in a brand and its equity to other products without resulting in dilution of value (Aaker and Keller, 1990). This interest has been stimulated in part by the increasing market power and value associated with a strong brand and in part by the prohibitive costs of launching a successful new brand. In international markets, interest has been centered on global branding - defining the meaning of a global brand, discussing the advantages and pitfalls, and the conditions under which building a global brand is most likely to be successful (Roth, 1995a, b; Quelch, 1999). While this focus is appropriate for a relatively few high profile brands such as Coca-Cola, it ignores the complexity of the issues faced by the vast majority of multinational firms who own a variety of national, regional and international brands, at different levels in the organization, spanning a broad range of diverse country markets. Typically, these brands differ in their strength, associations, target market and the range of products covered, both within and across markets. Equally the use of brands at different organizational levels may vary from company to company. Research of Brand Portfolio Coca-Cola is the manufacturer, distributor and marketer of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups across the globe. They also manufacture, distribute and market some finished beverages. Along with Coca-Cola, which is recognized as the world's most valuable brand, they market four of the world's top five soft drink brands, including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. The Company owns or licenses more than 400 brands, including carbonated soft drinks, juice and juice drinks, sports drinks, water products, teas, coffees and other beverages to meet consumers' desires, needs and lifestyle choices. More than 1.3 billion servings

Sunday, August 11, 2019

CAPITAL BUDGETING Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CAPITAL BUDGETING - Research Paper Example Moreover, it is a decision process that focuses on long-term investment for revenue and expenditure. My paper will be based on discussion of United State budgeting as a reference but the framework is applicable to the most part to any budgeting system whether national, state, or local, or whether it is in Europe or any other continent. Budgeting is done as a way of setting objectives and goals, for allocation of the resources essential to attain the objectives, for determining progress toward objectives, identifying inadequacies, and for controlling and integrating the diverse activities carried out by many sub-units within large bureaucracies both public and private (Rubin, 2004). Debt capacity refers to the ability of the government to make required debt service payments and to be able to pay back debt incurred without ruining its reputation either to other states or individuals. Therefore,this section will deal with the speculative issues affecting state debt management and accounts on a state debt financing policies and debt limits. State debt management processes and practices are important factors in the preparation of capital budgeting in order to ensure that the government is able to equalize the level of debt and/or debt services relative to current revenue that an providing entity can support and undue budgetary constraints that can affect the ability of the government to repay the debt on time does not arise. Therefore, when coming up with a capital budget, current expenditures are financed by current revenues while capital expenditures can be financed by borrowed funds. Debt financing is refunded by the cost of using public investments by the taxpa yers on the â€Å"benefit received† principle. The government uses a portion of taxes paid by the taxpayers as a way to ensure future taxpayers bear their â€Å"fair share† as a way to pay the debt incurred to provide public facilities. Secondly, debt capacity is determined

Visual Teaching Strategies On Children With Autism Research Paper

Visual Teaching Strategies On Children With Autism - Research Paper Example This essay approves that the reading and writing program has been on the leading edge in providing better services to these children that had suffered from autism through providing better mans that enabled them to quickly learn the traits of better verbal and written communication. Children who had previously attended the ABA programs were visually strong as they could easily assemble word puzzles together that were at a very complex level than their own age. They had mastered only the physical details and readings that if something was changed just a bit they would quickly forget about it. They had highly developed in their visual remembrance but the only set back they experienced was the inability to detect and notice any changes that were made, for example in the road signs. By noticing these difficulties in those children that were affected by autism, Nina Lovaas adopted the system where she could use the writing and reading to try and put more emphasis to the learning provided t o the child hence it would stick more in their minds. This report makes a conclusion that the Nina Lovaas reading and writing program is different when compared with the other programs for a variety of reasons. It is hoped that the reading and writing program will make learning more applicable than PECS in the sense that in PECS one is always to carry the big book with all the symbols, while in the reading and writing program, all that is needed is a portable computer for effective and efficient communication. Therefore, the Nina Lovaas reading and Writing Program is a way of enhancing and amplifying all academic qualifications of children.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

EnERGY WEDGES Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

EnERGY WEDGES - Lab Report Example Increasing forest cover and vegetable is likely to reduce carbon in the atmosphere since the trees utilize the carbon for the process of photosynthesis. Water body mass such as the rivers and lakes also absorb carbon from the atmosphere hence reducing carbon in the atmosphere. Soil and other land covers also utilize carbon (Nesta, 2009). Planting cover crops and reducing soil erosion is estimated to reduce carbon emission in the next 50 years. Our second wedge deals with nuclear energy production. Nuclear energy produces no carbon. It is the most efficient and the most beneficial form of energy production. However, it is always faced with political interference since nuclear energy can easily be used as weapon of mass destruction hence indicated by red color. (UNEP, 2007). Although it will take time to transform from carbon energy immediately to other forms of energy, it is important that the public be educated on efficiently utilizing the current carbon energy. This cuts across mainly in transport and construction sectors. The two sectors are the major consumers of energy mainly in form of electricity and fuel. Our last energy wedge deals with shifting from carbon energy to bio-fuels. Bio-fuel is a product of plants. This is our last option designated by color blue. Use of bio-fuel reduces significantly the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. However, this strategy is still faced with major challenges sine it creates competition with food production (Wardlaw, 2009). The big question is whether the current land used in food production will be substituted for bio-fuel produce. The above energy wedge is likely to win the desires of many oil producing companies such as BP and other companies such as Ford that are actively involved in the motor vehicle industry. The wedge also complies with human rights activists such as the Kyoto Protocol and Copen Hagan reports that aims at sustainable development. The energy